Sunday, August 7, 2016

The 30x30 Challenge: Day 6 & 7

My post didn't go up on Day 6, but that's OK because it wasn't anything exciting. Yet another backyard day, but I did follow that up in the evening with a stroll through the vineyards of Niagara wine country at the wedding of a friend.

Day 7 has me off in a local park, sitting under a tree and trying to finish Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air.

I still find the best thing about the challenge is a guaranteed relaxing 30 minutes every day.

I haven't decided what's in store for tomorrow, but I don't have to work so needless to say it will be something more exciting than another backyard day!

Friday, August 5, 2016

The 30x30 Challenge: Day 5

Short and sweet today. Time is short so I'm in the backyard once again. I've got some days off soon so I'll get to mix up my outdoor location a bit.

Truth be told though, I think it's amazing having nature, the beautiful Niagara Escarpment, 30 feet from my back door.

Keep up the good work challengers! And if you have started your 30x30 adventure, it's never too late!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The 30x30 Challenge: Day 4

A short one today. Things are busy for the Portly Hiker family this week, with work and the upcoming wedding of a friend, so it looks like yet another backyard 30 minutes before I head in to work.

It doesn't seem like much but basking in the shade given off by the beautiful Carolinian forest that surrounds my yard is a relaxing way to start a work day.

There will be bigger and better things to come for my daily nature time, including trail hiking and kayaking, but for today the chirp of the birds and the breeze in the backyard will have to do!

As always follow me on Twitter (@PortlyHiker) and let me know how your challenge is going and remember to enjoy the nature that surrounds you.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The 30x30 Challenge: Day 3

Day 3 of the 30x30 Challenge is another backyard day. It's before 9am and I've got my book and I'm sitting amongst the trees of the Niagara Escarpment once again.

In addition to reading, what I'm doing today is listening to the nature.

I never knew just how relaxing it was to shut out everything and just listen to the nature around you, but here I am. There's a blue jay screeching off in the distance and another bird chirping in a tree in my yard. Every couple of minutes a new sounds can be heard, filling the air with the sounds of life.

It just goes to show that even when you think you're alone in nature, you never really are.

On a day like today where I work a mid-day I'm finding that 30 minutes in nature actually can be a bit challenging but I'm feeling good about getting out of bed a little earlier and taking this "forest bath" of sorts.

Another good one on day 3 and I'm looking forward to day 4.

Have you signed up for your 30x30 Challenge yet? It's not too late! Sign up, then connect with me (@PortlyHiker) and tell me how you're doing!

Where will the Portly Hiker be tomorrow? I've got some ideas but I'm still not sure yet. Come back and see for yourself!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The 30x30 Challenge: Day 2

Too often people hear "nature" and automatically thing forests and trees, which is why i opted to spend Day 2 of my 30x30 Challenge on the shores of Lake Ontario.

I'm blessed to have one of the five Great Lakes within walking distance of my home, and too often I take it for granted.

Listening to the waves lapping at the shore is a great way to relax and unwind after a day at work while I get in my 30 minutes outdoors today.

It's also a great place to kick back, enjoy the cool lakefront breeze and read a book. Today's book is Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air, which details the Mount Everest disaster of 1996.

And this outlines another reason why I love the idea of the 30x30 Challenge; slowing down.  Life moves at a rapid pace for many; from jobs to kids to family issues, etc. By taking part in the the challenge it forces you to slow down, take 30 minutes per day to yourself, decompress and recharge your batteries, even if only for that 30 minutes.

So once again, I encourage you to participate in the 30x30 Challenge, which was created by the David Suzuki Foundation and is currently sponsored and promoted by Ontario Parks. Follow me on twitter (@PortlyHiker) and tell me how your challenge is going, or give me some ideas of activities you're planning.

Monday, August 1, 2016

The 30x30 Challenge: Day 1

I'm writing this entry on my phone as I take part in Day 1 of the 30x30 Challenge sponsored by Canadian naturalist David Suzuki, and Ontario Parks.

If you haven't heard about it, Ontario Parks is challenging people to spend at least 30 minutes a day for 30 straight days in August outdoors in nature.

Yes, I'm writing this post on my phone, but the idea of the 30x30 Challenge is to disconnect for half an hour and soak in the beautiful nature around you. Bring that phone along to snap a couple of pictures, but don't open up Facebook or Twitter while you're outside, save that for when you get home.

Now, I get outdoors as much as I can, but I can always find a way to say I'm too busy and skip a day, but I've opted to take part and get close to nature every day this month. And to stay accountable, I'll post daily about where and how I spent my time outside.

The bonus for me is that my backyard sits on the beautiful Niagara Escarpment, so nature is just a backyard away. Be ready for lots of posts from my home. Here's the picture of my Day 1 location:

I do have plans to get out this month and experience many different aspects of nature. I have a kayak tour planned, hiking at provincial parks and conservation areas and even nature parks in town.

I challenge all of you to get outdoors and into nature for half an hour a day for the month of August. It's shown that being outdoors is great for your health, so give it a shot.

Take a snapshot and tell everyone about your 30 minutes using #30x30challenge on Facebook or Twitter, follow and share with me on Twitter (@PortlyHiker) and spread the word to anyone who likes to be outdoors.